

Sunday 5 June 2016

This boy is named Yukoi, he came wandering through the forest one night with no memories. He then finds the lead character Rei and he later helps her regain her sanity and get adopted.
I also do character designs for future comics that i wold like to draw....I always start with a character idea that i have in my head and then draw more characters that would be needed for the story. I always do research on the topic for the characters, setting and plot. This characters name is Rei, she is from a very post apocalyptic world where she is the main character. Her parents were bitten by the sly (zombies) when she was very young. She watched them transform into sly and came to visit everyday in hopes to find them cured. She went the the biggest tribe that had tones of research facility's but they offered her no help. She became a bit of a sociopath leading the rest of her life in revenge. She then meets a 9 year old boy named Yukoi who has amnesia and is also full of anger.

Monday 16 May 2016


I used compressed charcoal to shade in the hair and a white Conte pencil to draw in the highlights.

Friday 13 May 2016

I like to use different types of charcoal for different parts of my drawing. For example I use the softer materials like vine or dust for the face to appear smooth. When i want something very dark I like to use charcoal sticks or pencils.

Thursday 12 May 2016

For the skin to appear soft and smooth I like to use a paint brush and charcoal dust. I break up vine charcoal stick into a container to create a dust and then use the paint brush like a blending tool.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Compressed charcoal

I like to use compressed charcoal for dark black areas of my drawings. I also like to come back to areas later to change or add anything I might be missing.

The nose

I've started shading the nose and area with the other eye. I like to use a perfection eraser for the light areas.

Perfection eraser Fable Castel

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Now the Charcoal!

I personally like to start with the eyes. I first erase or lighten the pencil sketch and the start layering on the charcoal.

Starting a drawing

So I always start my drawing with a quick sketch to get the right proportions. Then add the details.


My name is Valentina and I'm in grade 8. I started drawing a few years ago and lately I've been into charcoal portraits. I've won multiple art competitions like the Royal Canadian Legion remembrance day contest or Portrait Society of Canada. I've also had my very own art show last fall. I am creating this blog to track my progress as an artist and also to show it to you guys. Hopefully I can inspire you to create as well and maybe give you some tips. :)