

Sunday 5 June 2016

This boy is named Yukoi, he came wandering through the forest one night with no memories. He then finds the lead character Rei and he later helps her regain her sanity and get adopted.
I also do character designs for future comics that i wold like to draw....I always start with a character idea that i have in my head and then draw more characters that would be needed for the story. I always do research on the topic for the characters, setting and plot. This characters name is Rei, she is from a very post apocalyptic world where she is the main character. Her parents were bitten by the sly (zombies) when she was very young. She watched them transform into sly and came to visit everyday in hopes to find them cured. She went the the biggest tribe that had tones of research facility's but they offered her no help. She became a bit of a sociopath leading the rest of her life in revenge. She then meets a 9 year old boy named Yukoi who has amnesia and is also full of anger.